Jenkins Does Not Recognize Git-lfs On Mac

I’ve set up the Jenkins environment locally on the machine and I encountered some errors related to git-lfs.

Jenkins couldn’t recognize this command. I found this tutorial: link, but it didn’t solve my problem.

Where was the problem?

Jenkins couldn’t find git-lfs command on the machine. On some websites, I found that there could be a problem with the path and it was.

Git inside Jenkins uses the “git” command, and in my case, under git command was the path “/usr/bin/git” and in “/usr/bin/” there isn’t git-lfs. The correct path should be “/usr/local/bin/git” and in this folder, git-lfs exists inside.

To change this you need to go to Jenkins configuration.

From the main Dashboard select on the left menu Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> Git.

In Path to Git executable change path to correct one, in my case, it’s /use/local/bin/git.

After this change git-lfs started working.

If you encounter a similar problem, let me know via email ( and we can talk.